"All my life I have searched for a universal form for the expression of my inner feelings. As a sailor/sculptor, the boat has that haunting persistence of expressive potential not unlike the human form - in a boatyard it's hard not to feel a bent and worn keel in one's own backbone." Bruce Sodervick
Do you look at the fields
Do you look at the land
Do you see old furrows, faint worn trails, angled ditches -
scars from desperate strivings to survive ... never to prevail.
Can you not sense marks of long human toil;
band after band, tribe upon tribe,
land army after land army,
leaving only this Ancient Evidence
of human effort and strife.
Do you look at the land
Do you see old furrows, faint worn trails, angled ditches -
scars from desperate strivings to survive ... never to prevail.
Can you not sense marks of long human toil;
band after band, tribe upon tribe,
land army after land army,
leaving only this Ancient Evidence
of human effort and strife.